This is the last part, part 7 of the contactless payment series… In this episode I have the pleasure to chat with Sarah L’Heureux from TouchPoint.

Co-founder of Touchpoint Restaurant Innovations, Sarah L’Heureux brings over 20 years in the technology industry to the world of hospitality. As champion of the new ZeroContact product line, Sarah is building industry and business partnerships to bring a truly better contactless customer experience into the marketplace.

Fortinet Summer Prize Package Contest

Thanks to Fortinet, from now until August 15th, we are running a contest for a HUGE prize package. As a matter of fact we will be choosing not one but TWO winners for this contest! To learn more and to enter, visit or visit any of my social media channels. You can earn entries every single day. What are you waiting for? Start getting your entires in now!  CLICK HERE

Included in this prize package:


Bonus Contest

What is the oddest thing you have ever eaten and your experience around that; where was it at, ambiance, did you like or or hate it? Leave a 1-2 minutes long message at 954-302-0851 and you will be entered for a $50 Amazon gift card which will be given away in September.  Remember, you can’t enter if you don’t leave us a voice comment!    You can also click on the little icon on the right hand side of the screen that says “Send a Voicemail.  Record your comment right in the browser!

How To Contact Me

Next Week’s Show…

Next Tuesday we talk to Charlie Guzzetta, the new President of BurgerFi. He has such a great story to tell about the brand, his journey with the company and the amazing technology they have implemented and played with along the way. He is currently leading the charge to take the company public by the end of the year. Such a positive, needed story in this time of absolute chaos. I can’t wait to share this one with you!

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